What Is Grey Hat Seo?Grey Hat Seo Techniques 2020.

What Is Grey Hat Seo?Grey Hat Seo Techniques 2020.

To use Search Engine Optimization, you need to know what is Black Hat SEO, what is white Hat SEO and what techniques fall between the two so-called Grey Hat SEO. Grey Hat SEO involve much more creative than Black Hat SEO. If you're unfamiliar with where the terms Black Hat and White Hat old cowboy films where the baddies would wear black hats and the goodies wear white Hats.

                            What Is Grey Hat Seo?Grey Hat Seo Techniques 2020.

Grey Hat SEO is the practice of using technically legal methods to improve your site ranking, but which are ethically dubious, and could one day become black hat. The reason Grey Hat SEO is less known about is that as soon as the Search Engine become aware that people are using these techniques, they take steps to prevent them which turns a gray hat techniques into a black hat technique. Think of it like legal highs. They might be legal today and get you high, but in a couple of years time you could get punished for using them when the laul  changed to catch up with the new compounds on the street.
There's a lot of misconceptions about what constitutes Grey Hat,  for example, some people lists cloaking, paid links and duplicate content as Grey Hat, when in fact they are specifically outlawed in Google's webmaster guidelines, and hence are black hat. 
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