What is SEO/Search Engine Optimization and how it works? Complete Guide 2020 for beginners.

What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)?

Engine Optimization(SEO)

A broad definition is that Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the art and science of making web-Pages attractive to Search Engines. More narrowly, Search Engine Optimization(SEO) seeks to tweak particular factors known to affect Search engine standing to make certain Pages more attractive to Search Engines than other web-Pages that are vying for the same keywords Or keyword Phrases.

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) refers to methods used to increase traffic to a website by increasing its Search Engine Page rank. which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic Search Engine results.

Engine Optimization(SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) often involves improving  the quality of the content, ensuring that it is rich in relevant keywords and organizing it by using Subheads, bullet points, and bold and italic characters. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) also ensures that the site's HTML is optimized such that a Search Engine can determine what is on the page and display  it as a Search result in relevant Searches. These standards involve the use of metadata, including the title lag and meta descriptions. Cross linking within  the website is also important .In Google and other Search Engine, the results Page  often features paid ads at the top of the page, followed by the regular results or what Search marketers call the "organic Search results". Traffic that comes via Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often referred to as "organic Search traffic" to differentiate it from traffic that comes through paid Search. Paid Search is often referred to as Search Engine marketing or pay-per-click.

How It works?

Though Search Engine Optimization can get quite complex when it comes to all the Different Factors that impact your ranking. The basic process is not as difficult to understand. Search Engines want to provide the best service for their users. This means delivering results on the Search Engine Page that are not only high quality but also relevant to what the Search is looking for.

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