How Many Types Of SEO Practices Exist In The Digital World ? Complete Guide With Examples.

What are the Different types of SEO?

Four main Types :

There are four main types of  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

1. Black Hat SEO
2. White Hat SEO
3. Grey Hat SEO
4. Negative SEO

There are three types of SEO you need for a well- rounded organic Search strategy:-

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

1. On-Page SEO, 

2. Of-Page SEO,

 3. Technical SEO, 

One-Page SEO type :-

The 3 types of SEO One-Page  SEO 

This type of SEO includes:-

1. Keyword research:- Findings the best keywords to target on a page of  content. 

2. Content creation:-  Publishing high-quality content focused on target keywords.

3. Keyword Optimization :- using the target keyword in all the right places and using good meta tag SEO. 

Technical SEO:-

The types of SEO included in this category relate to :-

Site speed
Mobile - Friendliness
Site architecture
Structured data

Of-Page SEO  (Search Engine Optimization) :-

Social networking sites
Blog Marketing
Forum Marketing
Link Building.
Social media marketing
Business reviews
Answer question
Photo sharing
Social Book marketing
Search Engine submission 

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